Imagine walking through the halls of the Museum of Art + History, where every exhibit tells a story, every artifact holds a piece of our past, and every corner is filled with the vibrant history of Jefferson County.

Now, picture those stories fading away, those artifacts deteriorating, and those exhibits losing their luster. This isn’t just a distant possibility—it’s a reality we face without the proper care and materials to preserve our treasures.

Our historical collection includes thousands of irreplaceable objects, each requiring specialized care to withstand the test of time. From the grand hearse and Key City Transfer Cab to the smallest, most fragile artifacts, our dedicated team at the Research Center works tirelessly to protect these pieces of our heritage. But we can’t do it alone.

This August, we’re inviting you to be a crucial part of our preservation efforts through the Summer Supplies Drive. We need to raise $7,500 to stock up on the essential archival materials that ensure our collection remains safe and accessible for generations to come. Your support will help us make space for new exhibits, create custom enclosures for our artifacts, and continue the meticulous work of safeguarding our history.

The Importance of Archival Supplies
As we prepare for our Newly Imagined Museum Experience, we need to make way for new exhibits, new experiences, and new artifacts on display. The objects in our Fire Hall have mostly been on display since the historic City Hall restoration project in 2006, and some have been there even longer. This means they do not have a “home” yet in our Collections Building. Our team has been making space to store some of the largest artifacts like the hearse and Key City Transfer Cab, which involves rearranging our spaces. They also will need to make custom enclosures (a fancy word for museum boxes) for some of the smaller objects before they can be put away. All this work takes time and expertise.

The Agents of Deterioration
Preserving historical artifacts is no small task. Our team battles against various agents of deterioration, including pests, light, physical force, and environmental factors. Each artifact requires a unique care strategy to ensure its long-term preservation. From unbuffered enclosures for textiles to new storage boxes for maritime collection, the materials we choose are vital to this process.

Why Your Support Matters
Your support is crucial in helping us maintain the integrity and longevity of our collection. Each year, our team prioritizes items that need immediate attention, newly added artifacts, and anticipated donations. Shipping costs alone can account for over 25% of our annual supplies budget, making your contributions even more impactful.

Join in Supporting JCHS
We invite you to show your love for collections care this August. Your gift, no matter the size, will help us reach our $7,500 goal and ensure that JCHS can continue preserving our heritage. Together, we can protect the past for the future.

Make a Difference Today
Support our Summer Supplies Drive and help us preserve the sensitive objects in our care. Every donation makes a difference. Click here to donate:

Make a Difference Today

Support our Summer Supplies Drive and help us preserve the sensitive objects in our care. Every donation makes a difference.